Our #HumansOfLSA interview series gets to know some of the people behind the Leake Street. Arches project as well as those living and working in the local area. This week, we spoke to Ray Evernden, the Co-Founder of Banh Bao Brothers, a Vietnamese Street Food concept that will be opening in Leake Street Arches.
What did you want to be when you were a child? Pilot
Where is your happy place? Home
What’s your first ever memory? Grandad walking me to school
What do you regard as your biggest achievement in life so far? Early financial independence
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done? Leave home at 17 with only books for school
When did you last break the rules? When didn't I break the rules?
If you could meet anyone (living or dead) who would it be? Buddha Gautama
If you were a graffiti artist, what would your tag name be and why? All you can eat
What scares you most? Women
If you could be remembered for one quality, what would it be? Unwavering composure